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Kunst des Einrichtens: Tipps für ansprechende Dekoration im Zuhause - architare shop

The Art of Furnishing: Tips for Attractive Decoration in the Home

First of all, it is fabrics, carpets, lights and personal accessories that give a home its individual touch. Here are ideas and tips from Barbara Benz and her architare team to make the interior u...

Mobile Leuchten werden zum Trend - architare shop

Mobile lights are becoming a trend

Mobile lights are currently experiencing a trend, both indoors and outdoors. They offer the possibility of placing the desired light exactly where it is needed. Below you will find tips and recomm...

„Finden Sie das richtige Sofa!“ - architare shop

“Find the right sofa!”

Whether you want a design classic or an extravagant statement piece, whether you want to sit upright or lie down relaxed: there is the perfect sofa for everyone. Here is a small trend overview and...

Welche Pool Landschaft passt zu welchem Typ? - architare shop

Which pool landscape suits which type?

A private pool in the garden is undoubtedly an asset! But how should you go about designing the pool area? Should it be an atmosphere of luxurious elegance or more relaxed casualness? Each type of ...

Wohlfühlen am Arbeitsplatz: Moderne und ästhetische Bürogestaltung schafft eine angenehme Arbeitsatmosphäre - architare shop

Feeling good at work: Modern and aesthetic office design creates a pleasant working atmosphere

Our working world has changed rapidly in recent years and with it the idea of ​​the classic office. Bright, light-filled rooms, modern seating areas and relaxation and sports zones surrounded by gr...

Classic Day bei Architare: Eine Feier von Design und Kultur - architare shop

Classic Day at Architare: A celebration of design and culture

Architare was filled with more than just the usual buzz of creativity and innovation. It was a day of celebration, a day of appreciation and above all a day of classic elegance. The event was a day...